Letter from the CEO
I am pleased to present The Aerospace Corporation’s 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which details the ways our people are fostering a culture of purpose to make an impact across our industry and in our communities around the country.
Where Innovation Thrives
Innovation thrives in an environment that encourages diverse perspectives to converge. Through initiatives like Space Workforce 2030, Aerospace is contributing to fostering a more inclusive industry where all are welcome.
Supporting Students in STEM
Aerospace supports a breadth of programs and opportunities that empower students to work toward making their dreams a reality.
Making a Difference Together
Throughout the year, Aerospace enables employees to join together and make a tangible impact in the communities where our people work and live.
Reaching for the Stars
Our team of scientists and engineers are dedicated to fostering the spirit of curiosity that fills inquisitive minds, showing them the endless possibilities that await in space.
The Power of STEM Education
Aerospace understands that education is the key to success and by supporting teachers, we can help provide students the learning opportunities and resources to unlock their true potential.
Helping Students Unlock Their Future
Aerospace engages with students through a variety of outreach programs, encouraging their educational pursuits and future goals with guidance and support.
A Culture of Giving
Giving back to the community runs deep through Aerospace’s culture and our people find ways to contribute throughout the year, utilizing their time and talents to support those in need.
A Force for Good
Recognizing the significant contributions and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans and active-duty members in the armed forces is especially meaningful for Aerospace and its people, many of whom are veterans themselves.
Delivering Excellence with Integrity
Firm ethics and integrity are the foundation of our culture at Aerospace, enabling our people to take pride in the work they do in support of our nation’s space programs.