The Center for Space Policy and Strategy
Aerospace established the Center for Space Policy and Strategy to address the growing need for expert analysis supporting the development of well-informed, technically defensible, and forward-looking space and technology policy. The Center does not advocate for particular policies, but rather provides objective analysis and data to support key decision makers and an informed public debate.
Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies
CORDS was established in 1997 to focus the corporation’s research and technology applications in the areas of space debris, collision avoidance, and reentry breakup and to provide a single point-of-contact for organizations seeking to take advantage of Aerospace’s more than 50 years of experience in these and related technical areas.
Commercial Space Futures
Aerospace is committed to advancing and accelerating the application of U.S. commercial space capabilities for the benefit of government customers through its Commercial Space Futures Office.
International Collaboration for Space
Solving the hardest problems in space requires moving farther, faster and together. Aerospace is committed to advancing the efforts of collaboration with international allies and partners in support of a stronger and more resilient space enterprise.
The Space Safety Institute at The Aerospace Corporation
Aerospace is establishing a Space Safety Institute to deliver independent technical support and assessments to enhance the safety of space and space-related activities for government, commercial, and international customers.
Space Warfighter Initiative
The Aerospace Corporation established the Space Warfighter Initiative to provide an operative ecosystem for space warfighters, engineers, scientists, and technologists to advance innovative, agile, and relevant solutions for architectures and multi-domain integration to outpace threats.