SPARTA: Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis

The Aerospace Corporation's Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA) matrix is intended to provide unclassified information to space professionals about how spacecraft may be compromised due to adversarial actions across the attack lifecycle.
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Cybersecurity matrices have become an industry standard approach for providing a knowledge base of adversary behaviors and serve as a taxonomy for adversarial actions across the attack lifecycle. The Aerospace Corporation created the Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA) matrix to address the information and communication barriers that hinder the identification and sharing of space-cyber Tactic, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP).

SPARTA is intended to provide unclassified information to space professionals about how spacecraft may be compromised via cyber means. The matrix defines and categorizes commonly identified activities that contribute to spacecraft compromises.


Information Systems and Cyber Security Division

Understanding Space-Cyber TTPS with the SPARTA Matrix

SPARTA serves to ensure the space-cyber community is empowered to continually educate engineers and system defenders so they can overcome the unique cyber-threats they face in the domain.
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Leveraging the Sparta Matrix

The Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA) matrix visualizes the relationship between tactics and techniques/sub-techniques for space-cyber threats. This is how the matrix can be leveraged to strengthen systems.
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Cybersecurity for Space and Beyond

The Aerospace Corporation supports the development of space-centric cybersecurity technology and standards utilizing defense-in-depth techniques for space systems to ensure their resiliency to cyber intrusions.

Aerospace’s Cybersecurity and Advanced Platforms Subdivision (CAPS) employs virtualization and managed networking to enable rapid setup of a variety of test infrastructures, tailorable to customer environments and needs.
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Space Cyber TechBlog

The official technical blog of The Aerospace Corporation enables our subject matter experts to take a deeper dive into the complexities and approaches of their work. Hosted on Medium, the digital publication offers an "inside view" for some of Aerospace's best technical topics through expert-authored articles and Q&A features, providing audiences with a more direct experience to learn more and engage with what we do as the nation's trusted partner for space.

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